My Profile

You can keep your details updated here. In case you need to update your details that aren't editable, please contact HR department.

Access your Profile

Click on your avatar on top right, then click on "My Profile" to access your profile, review and add missing information. Current available languages are only Arabic & English. All communication emails from the portal will depend on the selected language that you set in here.

Personal & Job details

This section is your personal & job details which is already added by your HR admin. If you wish to change any of this data, ask your HR admin to do so.

Identification Documents

This section is your travel document details (Passport, National ID/IQAMA). You can edit these details by clicking on the "Edit" button on the right. After you make your changes, click on "Save" button.

Contact Details

This section is your contact details (Mobile & Email) which is already added by your HR admin. You can only edit your mobile number by clicking on the "Edit" button on the right. Your email is your username and can NOT be changed. After you make your changes, click on "Save" button.


This section allows you to view the travel policy available for your Job Level. It will show you the allowed flight types, cabin class, maximum dependents, maximum price per person, etc.