
Raising a hotel request takes few seconds and you are done! You just need to follow the below 3 steps:

Step 1: Search

Choose city of stay, choose your check-in / check-out, set how many adults & children as well as number of rooms requested, and which Charge Code Cost Center that this hotel booking should be charged against.

Type your destination city

Set your checkin & checkout dates

Set number/type of guests and number of rooms

Once set click on "Search Hotels"

Step 2: Select Hotel

Select the desired hotel from the search results. Each result will show you some information about the hotel (type, location, rating, price, distance from city center, etc.).

Show hotels on the map

Filter by Price or Popular Filters

Show only available hotels

Filter star ratings

Filter by amenities & types

Step 3: Select Room

Choose the appropriate room from the available rooms in the selected hotel. Each result will show you some information about the room (type, photos and details, what the reservation includes, price, etc.).

Step 4: Select Travelers

Once the desired hotel room is selected, add the travelers to the request. If your role is set by your HR admin to "Requestor", you will be able to add yourself, your dependents, your colleagues, their dependents as well as external guests. If your role is set by your HR admin to "End Traveler", you will only be able to add yourself as well as your dependents. Once added, set your purpose of travel to submit.

Add travellers to the request

Search & add your colleagues

Set dependent relationship if added

Changing Gender/Birth date will inform HR & approver (Change will apply on file)

Changing Name will inform approver (Change will apply on current request only)

Select primary traveler who will receive the tickets (Mobile/Email)

Set purpose of travel


Once you submit your request, you will see a confirmation page. You will also receive an email confirming the submission of your request. You can always track your request from "My Requests" page. Once approved, your voucher will be sent to you instantly!